Friday, March 18, 2011

Is Cable TV for Free Real?

A few months ago, while doing door-to-door sales for a major satellite provider, I was introduced to the idea of getting cable/satellite TV for free. Prior to this date, I had always thought it was inevitable that one needed to pay $60-120 per month for an assortment of television and music channels. This usually came packaged with a two-year contract and the occasional loss of a channel due to negotiation breakdowns between the cable/satellite provider and the TV station. However, on this day I was introduced to an interesting character who changed the way I thought about my TV viewing.

The gentleman I came in contact with that day told me he had not paid for cable or satellite TV in over two years. He said that he used his computer to get every channel he wanted for free. Of course, I was skeptical at the time and thought he was either some delusional nitwit who had hit the bong a few times too many or a brilliant computer programmer who had entirely too much time on his hands. While either of those two scenarios, or a combination of each, is entirely possible for this individual, it turns out that neither is required to actually accomplish what he had claimed he was doing.

I stumbled across a website while surfing the web that claimed you could get up to 3,500 cable and satellite channels for free. There were no monthly fees to pay, no contracts or early termination fees and no technicians required to install the service. I immediately thought this must be some sort of scam. So I set out to prove my initial reaction true. Interestingly, what I found seemed to back what my door-to-door friend had claimed more than it proved what my mind tried to rationalize.

From what I have found through my research, you can actually get up to 3,500 cable/satellite channels for free. There are several sites online that provide software for unlocking these channels directly to your computer. Some are even compatible with PC and Mac. Also, as I've found through my girlfriend's connection of her Mac to her high definition television, you can get a very good picture and incredible sound quality with a cable or two that connect your computer to your TV. Sounds simple enough, right?

Well, I can't give you a product review or an endorsement for one of these products myself. It seems I was not diligent in my research before signing a two-year agreement with my current satellite provider. However, I can tell you that this is certainly possible and there seem to be more than one legitimate provider of the software capable of turning your computer into a cornucopia of TV channels. I think for those of you without a cable or satellite provider or near the end of your current contract, that this is a viable alternative, one that is certainly worth looking into. Hopefully, we can all eventually free ourselves from the $100 per month recurring cable/satellite bills and the constrainment of the associated two-year agreements. Happy television viewing!

For more information on the two leading TV for free software programs, click either of the links below.

Satelliet Direct

Online TV

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